Conscious Cosmos

Nature, with her intelligence, created humans

  • Idol worship

    Those who are against paganism can find Hinduism confusing. Certainly, Hinduism supports idol worship but that is not all. Hinduism caters to the psychologist maturity level of the worshipper. Let us understand this. A Sanskrit poem from the Agni Purana presents a simple context to worship modalities in Hinduism. Any intellectual in India could quote…

  • Valakhilya Rishis and Magnetic Poles

    Valakhilya Rishis and Magnetic Poles

    Valakhilya Rishis and Magnetic field lines Who are Valakhilya Rishis? Where do we find references to the Valakhilya? Are they connected to Earth’s magnetic Pole? We must understand a few ideas about these Rishis to find an answer to these questions. Is there any connection between these Rishis and the Valakhilya hymns in the mandalas…

  • Manu and the Evolution of Sight

    Manu and the Evolution of Sight

    Paleontologists suggest an unexpected scenario for the evolution of the eye (how eyesight evolved) in creatures. According to this, the human eye lens mechanism evolved from a rudimentary light sensor in a jellyfish. This evolution began during the post-Cambrian era. In fact, an explosion of species occurred during the post-Cambrian period some 400 million years…

  • What is Soma Juice made of?

    What is Soma Juice made of?

    Many people asked this question in vain in the past – What is Soma Juice made of? Researchers have studied different plants, mushrooms and other hallucinogens. However, none of these matches the description of the Soma plant as described in the Soma Sacrifice of Veda. This makes us wonder if researchers are on the right…

  • Is Cosmos Conscious?

    Is Cosmos Conscious per Pantheism? Carl Sagan begins his bestseller, the Cosmos, with the three assumptions. They are a) humans have evolved to wonder, b) understanding is a joy, and c) knowledge is prerequisite to survival. Wonder, understanding and knowledge – aren’t these qualities of consciousness? Surely, a scientist cannot attribute these directly to atoms, molecules,…

  • The Lone wheel on the Chariot of the Sun

    The Lone wheel on the Chariot of the Sun

    Carvings of the Chariot of the Sun in Stone are charming. Artisans in India built Sun temples in the past with inspiration from Puranas texts. (We notice a completely different idea of the Chariot of Sun (Helios or Sol) in Greek and Roman mythologies. Therefore, this analysis is limited to ideas in the Veda). Firstly,…

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This is how it all started…

I am an Indian American who began as an amateur writer during a short break from my Engineering career in 2014. I continue with my research and writing for the following reason

“Indias have inherited 40 million manuscripts from its past. These texts have not drawn the attention of historians and archeologists because they do not fit the standard mold. Firstly, the subject matter in them is diverse. Secondly, a rigorous scientific approach is needed to follow their methodology. Topics in these texts become more precious as years go by in the context of scientific discoveries. Simultaneously, ideas in these texts are fading from our collective consciousness. There is some urgency in keeping them alive for future generations.”

My first publication was a book on Vedic astronomy. My latest two books present ideas from the text of Agasthya, a Tamil Siddhar master who lived several centuries ago. I am currently gathering information on Siddha Medicine for publication. I consult Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar in choosing topics to research for his books.

“Gurudev has the ability to lucidly explain matters from the Vedas in a modern context. He believes that wisdom from the past is a gift to humanity. I am fortunate to have his guidance. He helps me prioritize my research work.”

Krishna Ramadas

Writer & Researcher

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