Valakhilya Rishis and Magnetic field lines
Who are Valakhilya Rishis? Where do we find references to the Valakhilya? Are they connected to Earth’s magnetic Pole? We must understand a few ideas about these Rishis to find an answer to these questions. Is there any connection between these Rishis and the Valakhilya hymns in the mandalas of the Rig Veda?
We gather four important facts from the references to the Valakhilya Rishis from Purana texts. Firstly, these thumb sized Rishis meditate upside down. Secondly, these ancient Rishis survive without eating food. They survive solely on air. Thirdly, they follow the Sun from dawn to dusk. In fact, they carry the Sun on his daily sojourn around the Earth. Fourthly, one of the seven Saptarishis, namely, Kratu is their father. Are hints from these four areas enough to understand the metaphor of Valakhilyas?

These tiny sized Rishis move with the Sun from dawn to dusk. They survive on air. Therefore, Valakhilya may be a metaphor for an Earth bound or an atmosphere bound phenomenon. Some Puranas say that there are six thousand and six hundreds of these Rishis. Other Puranas say that there are eight thousand of them. Do these large numbers suggest a distribution of some energy fields, such as geomagnetic field around the globe?
The upside-down view of Valakhilya Rishis
The Valakhilyas follow the Sun from dawn to dusk. Surely, this must be a metaphor for the diurnal motion of the Sun! Another of the four facts above provides an affirmation. These Rishis meditate upside down. An inverted view is literally “upside down”! Firstly, the diurnal motion of the Sun is a geocentric view. Secondly, the diurnal movement is a fact only on the Earth. Finally, Heliocentric view is the universal reality. The Valakhilyas following the Sun from dawn to dusk while hanging upside down must be a hint about an inverted view.
Finally, let us consider the fact about Saptarishi Kratu. Kratu is the leader among the seven Rishis in the Saptarishis calendar system. Hindu astronomy calls the proximity of the polar region the Saptarishi Mandala. In addition, Valakhilyas are born of Rishis Kratu. Do Valakhilya represent energy fields which originate near this region, namely, close to the north magnetic pole?
The magnetic pole of the Earth hover around the polar region of the Earth. The magnetic lines of the Earth spin when the Earth spins on its axis. Therefore, Valakhilya Rishis are likely a metaphor for Earth’s magnetic lines!
No. These mantras are called Valakhilyas for another reason.
We find references to these Rishis in many important Puranas. In addition, we find a reference to them in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
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