Conscious Cosmos

Nature, with her intelligence, created humans

Weak Omkar resonance in the body

Silence is a part of Tapasya in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. What is the purpose of Silence in Tapasya? We hear about the intense Tapasya of Asuras, Rishis, and Devas. They gained psychic powers by maintaining intense Silence for a long time. How do spiritual powers arise in Silence? Silence strengthens the resonance of Om, which is the storehouse of every type of spiritual power. Let us understand how. Firstly, let us know a bit about OM.

Om Resonance : The impact of Ida and Pingala
Om Resonance : The impact of Ida and Pingala

Three sounds meld seamlessly to create the universal resonance of Omkar, the OM sound. Yoga practitioners worldwide know these sounds to be A, U, and M. Siddhars attribute these three to Omkar being weaker within the body than outside. We can appreciate ancient Yogis’ fondness for Silence when we understand the following.

Dissonance arises between A and U when they operate the Pingala and Ida Nadis, which are often imbalanced. Imbalance occurs from many causes, such as blocked Chakras, sluggish Nadis, unprocessed emotions, restlessness, hyperactivity, lethargy, and unending ambitions. The presence of M is essential to restore steady coherence between A and U. for stronger Omkar resonance. (Read more about the powers of the two Nadis here)

M has an affinity to the forehead area. It remains subdued at the eyebrow center unless cultured. Yogis culture it through Silence. Once strengthened, OM resonance within the body can equal the resonance outside. Psychic powers accompany the strong resonance of Om. The healing powers of nature can pierce into the human body when the resonance within matches that outside the body.

Chakras and 21600 breaths

Mind and Entropy

Brahmari and Nitric Oxide

A scientific paper on Om resonance

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