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When Emptiness becomes Fullness

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The philosophy of Buddha is centered around Nirvana or the Void. References to Void centric meditation techniques were known even before the time of Buddha. Vigyan Bhairav Tantra text speaks of 122 different meditation techniques. A few techniques in this text are void centric. This text also lists fullness centric meditation techniques. The important among them is about the point(s) where the incoming and the outgoing breaths meet. The Bhagwat Geeta text also refers these point.

The Yin-Yang of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
Emptiness and Fullness

“Paradevi, whose nature is visarga, or creation, manifests as the upward prana and the downward apana. By fixing the mind at the two points of generation (of prana and apana), the state of fullness results.

translation of verse 24 from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

The Sanskrit word for Emptiness is “Shoonya”. The above verse however refers to the state (स्थितिः) of fullness (भारिता). Both Emptiness and the state of fullness are an experience of the mind. A certain meditation technique can lead to the experience of void while another can lead to the experience of fullness. Techniques which involve the use of Prana or the life force yield a feeling of fullness.

Are emptiness techniques fit for a depressed person?

What are the two points in the above verse. They are easy to understand under the guidance of a meditation master like Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar. Understanding the practical aspect of the verse provides an invaluable tool to feel content when the mind is bothered by a sense of lack. Should a person undergoing depression resort to fullness centric meditation technique? Psychologists and researchers will surely study different classes of meditation in the coming decades.

श्री भैरव उवाच

ऊर्ध्वे प्राणो ह्यधो जीवो विसर्गात्मा परोच्चरेत् |

उत्पत्तिद्विअयस्थाने भरणाद्भारिता स्थितिः | २४ |

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