Conscious Cosmos

Nature, with her intelligence, created humans

Tag: Puranas

  • A Yagna performed by Parasara against Rakshasas

    In this post, we try to understand the significance of the Yajna performed by Parasara against Rakshasas. Rishi Parasara (Parashar) is the father of the famous Vyasa. Parashar’s grandfather is none other than Vasishta, one among the seven Sapta Rishis. Vasishta brought up Parasara. Parasara, as a young man, came to know the cause of…

  • Indra’s Penance for Enlightenment

    Indra’s Penance for Enlightenment

    Do Devas need to engage in Tapas or Penance to gain Enlightenment? How did Indra, the ruler of the Devas perform Penance? Did Indra’s Penance last 101 years? Let us explore the episode related to Indra and his archrival Vairochani. The Chandogya Upanishad, one of the major texts in the Veda tradition presents the narration…

  • Who is the Devi of Capitalism?

    Wealth is an essential commodity in any society! Everyone seeks it for comfort and security. In brief, the capitalists have been right. However, there is an ugly face to capitalism. In other words, there is an ugly face to wealth itself. The Vedic texts remind us of a succinct distinction between two means to wealth. Lakshmi devi represents…

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