Conscious Cosmos

Nature, with her intelligence, created humans

Tag: Gandharva

  • Three legs of Agni and the story of Pururava

    Three legs of Agni and the story of Pururava

    Three legs of Agni are metaphors for three Yajna Vedi firepots

  • The secret of Kinnaras

    The secret of Kinnaras

    Chiron is the famous Centaur in Greek mythology. In addition, paintings show centaurs as half horse and half human. The word for Centaurus in Mycenean language is Gantarus. This Mycenean word is the same as Gandharva in Indian literature. Therefore, Centaur and Gandharva must refer to the same entity. However, we do not find any…

  • The Secret of Yakshini

    Every individual desires for comfort and joy. Besides, the pursuit of wealth is an aspect of this. Certainly, a majority of individuals in a society engage in this pursuit with faith, trust and cooperation. The collective psyche, with respect to wealth, is like a uniform field, because of this majority! However, it has some bumps…

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