Conscious Cosmos

Nature, with her intelligence, created humans

The space within a human cell and the 27 Nakshatras

Human cell fascinates Biologists, it being the smallest unit of human life. Many organelles function almost independently inside the cell because they are enclosed within their own protective membrane. Certainly there is a federation of independent functional blocks within every cell. However, every federation needs a central authority. Is the Nucleus. as its name suggests, this central authority ? Firstly, a Nucleus is merely the repository of human DNA. Secondly, there is a cylindrical hollow at the very center of a cell. 13 protein filaments organize themselves into a cylinder with a space. This microtubule dictates the location of the other organelles. Besides it facilitate the movements of every complex molecules within a cell.

The central hollow, surrounded by 13 protein fibers, plays a major role in cell division. This microtubule has a suitable refractive index, Besides, it is just a few nano meters wide . Therefore it can serve as a waveguide for electromagnetic radiations. Neuroscientists, such as Hameroff and Penrose, are searching beyond the bounds of classical physics for explanations to certain facets of human consciousness. They acknowledge the possibility of quantum fields within the hollow space inside a microtubule. Their research is leading them towards the hitherto unexplained source of EEG rhythms. EEGs are widely used in modern medicine. Bandhopadhyaya and his team are able to illustrate a strange harmony. The microtubules in the human brain may have the ability to vibrate in synchronicity to an Indian musical instrument which produces enharmonic sounds.

Post image for Discovery of Quantum Vibrations Inside Brain Neurons Supports Controversial Theory of Consciousness
Our connection to the universe is through space in our cells
The microcosm and the macrocosm

Vedic texts consider the microcosm to be a mirror of the macrocosm – “Yad Pinde tad Brahmande“. An illustration of this statement is the parallel between the core of a human cell and astronomy. Vedic astronomy divides the sky into 27 equal portions as seen from the earth as the center. The Vedic deity Soma controls revival and renewal. Soma sacrifice contains an interesting segment which glorifies the riddle of a lost Soma being brought forth from the 13th month which is not easy to know. An year contains thirteen rotations of the moon. Strangely, thirteen thin microfilaments create a microtubule.   

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